Tuesday, March 04, 2008

I'm not leaving my office today

My hair is jacked up, my pants are too short, and my inner bitch is clawing her way out. Its safer for everyone if I just hide out in here. I was breifly happy this morning, when I tried on the pants that I haven't worn in forever, and they still fit. Since, after all, I am expanding LIKE THE UNIVERSE.* Hmmm, the editor in me isn't sure if the asterisk goes before or after the period... Anyway, back to me. So, I was happy. "Yay! I haven't gained that much," I said to myself, until I realised that the pants are now floods. I have gotten so thick, that the material has risen to flood-like proportions. There are things that I can't stand, and "pants that are too short for the wearer" is very high up on that list. VERY high.

*at an exponential rate


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