Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Well, hello old friend!

So, when I was in highschool, I was a bit of a rocker. I am glad that I used to deke out the camera like it was going to spit highly-corrosive flesh-eating acid at me, because I would NOT want to see any pictures of me from back then. Super tapered jeans, matte red lipstick, heavy black eyeliner, and a sullen expression just aren't as cool now as they used to be. Well, I guess they are if you are a teenage emo, but not if you are a 3o-ish year old woman. At any rate, I still love the music, and I am glad that Trent Reznor is still pumping it out. I have only JUST downloaded the freebie songs, and haven't heard them yet, so I am filled with hope at the promise of some new tunes to over-listen to. Check it out for yourself at


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