Saturday, May 03, 2008

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

I find it easier to review movies that I didn't like, so this one will be a short one.


This was one of the funniest movies I have seen in a very long time. Too often, all the funniest lines/moments are used in the trailers; this is not the case with this movie. I laughed out loud SO many times. It was great. The story line was a wee bit formulaic: boy loses girl, boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy and girl then live happily ever after, but if thats the "skeleton" of the movie, the "flesh" of it, the details built around it, was great. I highly recommend it. Don't go see it with your folks, since there is some full-frontal male nudity, but other than that, its more than worth the price of admission.


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