Friday, May 09, 2008

Frankly, I'm amazed its taken this long...

...for my 2WW crazies to set it. I mean, I am 10DPO, and only today am I really starting to obsess. I used to start obsessing the day after I got a confirmed O on Fertility Friend! This is a good sign! Perhaps I can eventually push the crazies off until the day before the cycle is supposed to end.
I couldn't help myself. With the way my temps are going, I tested this morning*. Couldn't even get a stinkin' evap line. I showed it to Rich, asked him if he saw anything. Confirmed my findings. Nada. So, I shrugged (I mean, its 10DPO, I wasn't really expecting anything) and went about my morning routine. Then I noticed that he was just kinda standing there. When I asked him what was wrong, he put his head on my shoulder and said "I wish you were pregnant." That surprised me. I know he wants us to get pregnant, but I thought he was being very pragmatic about it, you know, it'll happen when it happens kind of thing? On the car ride in, I was nattering on about something pregnancy related, and he kind of sighed, irritated like. Which irritated me, causing me to ask him what his problem was. He told me that he wished that instead of me asking him if he could see a line, I could just tell him, "I'm pregnant." Surprised me again. I wish I could just tell him that too.
I am going to try not to be too devastated when this cycle ends, but I don't really have high hopes about it. At least I have my upcoming RE appt to look forward to.

*In my defense, I sometimes have 25 day cycles, and this could be 2 days before the cycle is supposed to end, so its not that crazy of an idea to think I could test. Stupid stupid stupid.


osuraj said...

I hope this is your time. It's hard not to get your hopes up when the signs start pointing a different direction. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

Echloe said...

My fingers are crossed for you too. But don't torture yourself with pee sticks. Just wait a few days and retest. I know I know, easier said than done.

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