It was kinda great. With the exception of the fact that we had to wait 20 minutes to get in to see her, and she mentioned that she is normally an HOUR behind. So, next time my appt is at 3, I should show up for 4? WTF? This is something I hate the MOST about doctors. But, I digress. She was very very nice, very pleasant, seemed genuinely invested in our care. Which is different, but, on par for what I would expect from an RE.
I got a scrip for a groovy pregnancy vitamin called PregVit which has 5 mg of folic acid, which is what the new recommendations are, and although I am a bit dismayed by the superfluous packaging, it's blister sealed according to day, so I will always know if I have taken it. I have been bad about the Maternas, cuz sometimes I can't remember. It's also very cool, because its separated into a morning dose and an evening dose, because calcium can interfere with the absorption of iron, so they separate the compounds into different pills. Its one more pill to remember, but like I said, idiot-proof packaging.
The nurse there that I saw was also super friendly, super nice. I really hope that its a one stop shop for all my diagnostic needs too. Ultrasounds, bloodwork, all that jazz. It's such a bitch to find a clinic to get your blood drawn at during the day. Sometimes, it has to be a fasting test too, so you can't eat for 12 hours before hand, and so the first thing you want to do it get your blood drawn in the morning so you can eat. So, the CD3 bloodwork is for FSH, LH, Estradiol and Prolactin. I asked about my CD21 b/w that I had done, and she said they don't really put a lot of stoc k in CD21 b/w with the exception of your progesterone levels showing that you have Oed, which I do, regularly, and she pointed out, a few times., which made me feel like a star.
Yippee, I am special because I O regularly.
Yes, its silly. But anyway...
We are also getting tested for a variety of lovely STDs. They want to keep a clean clinic. Which I can appreciate, but, what happens if you suffer from IF, but have herpes or something. They tell you you are on your own?
I should specify that I am not worried about the results of this.
Rich is getting tested for all those as well, and something else that surprised me. Apparently, because he has an Italian and French lineage, he might be a CF carrier. Crazy!
Not too worried about that either, because even if he is (the chances are 1 in 25) I would have to be a carrier too in order to pass it on to any children.
Watch, now we'll both be carriers, and riddled with STDsjust because I said I am not worried about it. Great.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
More about the RE appt
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Thank you so much for the comment on my blog!
Fingers crossed that your bloodwork (and Rich's tests) come back normal.
Oh, and I LOVE your Labrynth reference!! "Reminds me of the babe. What babe? The babe with the power? What power? The power of the voodoo. Who do? You do. Do what? Remind me of the babe."
"'Ello!" "Did you say 'hello'?" "No, I said 'ello."
OK, that was a SUPER dorky digression, huh? But I heart Labrynth!!!
Anyway, great to "meet" you. I look forward to following your journey. :)
Good to hear from you!! The amount of traffic is (I think, but I'm not sure because I'm brand new to this) due to the fact that:
1. I'm participating in NaComLeavMo and have left lots of comments on different blogs; and
2. My blog deals with infertility, adoption, and chronic illness, so it appeals to lots of different demographics.
I'm sure the traffic will die down considerably once NaComLeavMo is over. :)
Please keep in touch and I'll talk to you soon . . .
Esharp I just had my 1st RE appointment on Tuesday and have to proceed to the crazy STD testing too. We opted out of the CF tests though. I hate doing bloodwork and I'm not really looking forward to that. But moving ahead with this whole assisted baby making stuff is allright by me. So good luck to you.
Thanks for stopping by and yay for big feet! My sister is 5 feet tall and has a size 10, poor thing. (she is adopted - hence the difference in our heights, I'm 5'10 or so). I'm glad you liked the people at your clinic. Sorry about the wait though, that can be frustrating. My OB often has a 30-60 minute wait. I love him so I tolerate it, but sometimes I want to scream :-) I'm looking forward to following your journey and wishing you the best of luck!
I remember well the worry about how our viral screens would come back before IVF#1. Neither of us had a HIV/Hep B&C risk but none the less it was worrying!
While I hope everything is clear for you both I also hope that the RE (who are always running late) will be able to give you some answers & some solutions.
Oh, I remember those multitudes of blood tests... my personal favorite was the day it took 3 people and 5 tries (including out of both hands) to get enough to run all the tests.
I don't get the STD thing. Maybe they just delay treating people during outbreaks? I don't think it would be ethical to deny treatment if someone had one.
You have some truly cool things on your blog! I love the graphic design and your live traffic feed deal -- thanks for visiting my blog -- of course I'd forgotten about NaComLeavo and happened to have written the most non-stimulating entry of all time...woops!
As for clinics -- I too am at a new RE -- and it's strange-- like you I liked me RE but you have such high hopes its going to 'be the answer' and then they reveal total normalcy like late appointments or information screw ups...
Ah, life on the IF rollercoaster.
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