Monday, June 16, 2008

It's funny how your perspective changes

OK, so if you read IF blogs, I am sure that this won't be a new topic to you.
It's strange how it can color almost every aspect of your life.
As a lifelong fattie, I used to watch movies and instead of just losing myself in the moment (like in a tense scene of imminent danger), I would be engaged in an inner monologue about how lean the lead female characters thighs were, or how small her waist was, or some such bizarre unimportant detail.
Now (while I still obsess about lean bodies) I find that I pick apart aspects of a film that relate to pregnancy. Because I am now practically an OB/Gyn myself, what with all the research, data, facts, etc that I glean off the internet.
So, I was flicking through the movies that were available on my digital cable box, and stumbled across one that is near and dear to my heart, but I hadn't seen in a dog's age (thats "a really long time" to those who might be unfamiliar with my colloquialism) The Blue Lagoon. I saw this when I was probably about 10 or so. I do have a real affinity for movies that are about being stranded on deserted islands (its not just the toned, tanned bodies). Among my favourite moves/shows/books are Swiss Family Robinson, Robinson Crusoe, and the latest and most contemporary addition, Lost. And, I mustn't forget Survivor, which I still watch semi-religiously.
I won't go into the plot of The Blue Lagoon, but I will mention that Brooke Sheild's character gets pregnant. I am watching along, happily ensconced in this blast from my past, and I find myself snorting at the fact that they have written this movie so that she can feel the fetus moving, but she still has no actual belly. If I am not mistaken, you could feel movement no sooner than 14 weeks. I figure you'd have a bit of baby-belly at that point. Especially if you are as lean as Brooke's character was.
You bet I noticed. Now I have two things to obsess over.
Almost wrecked it for me.


Kristine said...

I'm sure it was just gas...

Anonymous said...

Damn those lean fertiles! Glad it didn't spoil it completely for you!

KimboSue said...

I also critique movies and shows when it comes to pg related things like O time and BCP and fertility med side effects, etc... NCLMa

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