I have this friend, who I haven't talked too/seen in probably 2 years. Very brief backstory here. We have a mutual friend whom I've only just recently become close with who is getting married shortly, so there's been opportunities for mandated social interaction. For the first time in 2 years.
I was so sure that this girl Hated. My. Guts. A different mutual friend told me as much. And, I also knew that once you were in her bad books, that was it for you, there was no going back. I thought perhaps after having her baby, she might have been softened a bit towards me, but I didn't hold out much hope. It HAD been almost 2 years after all.
So, 2 weekends or so ago, I run into her on a patio. I was numbed by drink, I won't lie, but that was probably a good thing, because even in that state, I was so nervous I was twitching. Nothing that anyone else would notice, but I am sure that I smoothed my shirt about a billion more times than was necessary.
We were cordial, but brief, and I left feeling better for it, knowing that she didn't launch herself over the rail to turn my orbital sockets into gaping wounds (not that I really should have been worried about this, she's not insane or anything. I was just blowing things way out of proportion after 2 years — give or take — of stewing).
Then, this past weekend, I run into her at the soon-to-be-married friend's Stag & Doe.
I cannot believe what happened next.
We cleared the air.
It was an incredible relief.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Miracle of miracles
mending fences
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