Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Dreaded Clomid Cycle

Looks like its coming up. I have to say, I hate what my own hormones do to me, let alone those augmented by a foreign pharmaceutical in my body. I plan to document the experience, scientific styles...
Any suggestions on how to make it as informational as possible? Any particular things I should be looking out for?
I am thinking of listing the most common side effects, and then noting whether they are high, medium or low in terms of intensity.
So, calling all Clomid Ladies, what've you experienced on this "wonder drug"?


Christine said...

hot flashes

osuraj said...

For me it was...fever blisters, severe acne on face, back and chest, hot flashes, and irritability.

How many mg are they putting you on to start?

Erin said...

50 mg to start.
I am still somewhat baffled as to the why's, especially if the side effects can be so severe, and its MFI that we are dealing with. But, whatever it takes I suppose...

Stephanie said...

I had night sweats, hot flashes, headaches, dizziness, insomnia and very BAD nausea. But this last time I took it I didn't have that bad of s/e. It was wierd. ?? I hope you don't have too many s/e. Good luck!

Echloe said...

Night sweats and hot flashes for me too. And I turned into a crying messball when I went up to 100mgs. Try to remember that not everyone has S/E. Maybe you'll be one of those.

JenM said...

I took mine at night. If I didn't go to bed right after taking it, I felt kinda stoned. Hot flashes. Crying jags. Waking up to pee.

Wonderful drug, that Clomid. Good luck!

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