Can someone make me a t-shirt with that on it? That's what I am I think. We just finished the bathroom about a week ago (and still need to install a few tiles and some caulk) and last night we started painting the upstairs guest bedroom (aka, the baby's room). I don't call it that because I have a baby to put in it, but because the previous owners (who we took over for over 2 years ago, give or take) must have had a child in it. It was painted a sickly yellow. Have you ever read The Yellow Wallpaper? Well, if not, follow that link, and you will get what I mean about sickly yellow. So, its painted this yellow color, and it has a creepy border of victorian-esque teddy bears around the whole room. At about chest level. The promininent bears eyes seem to follow you. And he doesn't look happy to see you.
Well, they are gone. Last night, in preparation for my family's visit, I cleaned out the upstairs guest room, moved some furniture around, put nice new bedding on the bed, looked around and decided I couldn't handle the yellow anymore. Its been over two years.

So, last night, we begin to paint. I picked a color that had been rolling around in my head for a while, but I didn't have the balls to paint any other room that color. It's purple. The walls are a greyish purple though, and the trim is a very dark inky purple. I really quite like it. It's a color that I was rolling around in my head for a nursery too, so perhaps it won't have to be repainted if I ever get pregnant, I'll just need to add some flourishes to it.
But seriously. I hate painting. Rich claims that he just can't paint trim as well as I do, so that is ALWAYS my job. I always get to paint the trim. And thats the part I HATE! I have to be so careful.
So, I have tonight to finish it, really, since my parents arrive tomorrow night. Last night we painted the walls (but not to the edges, since I have to cut them in) and I got the window painted, and some of the baseboard. Damn. I am not looking forward to painting tonight, but I am looking forward to getting it done. Post painting shots to come.
I know you are busy painting and all but did you find time to plywood the bed??
Yes douchey! One better, we put a box spring under it, so its way more comfortable, but its still quite firm.
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