Monday, July 14, 2008

Stuff I Like

I am totally stealing their bandwidth for this picture (which I try not to do in general), but I figure they can deal with it, since I am technically advertising for them. Thing is, this stuff is awesome. Usually, after I wash my face, it feels like I have just had a chemical peel its so dried out, but this, I don't even really have to use a moisturizer (and I don't, I have a very bad skin-care regimen). I love the foam. With other gel type cleansers it feels too slippery, like its not gripping the skin, and thus not grabbing any of the dirt. This stuff really feels like it is covering your skin well, and it rinses off nicely too.

I have since invested in their mousse body moisturizer, for which I will reserve judgment, since I haven't used it enough.

*Neither I, nor any of my family members is affiliated with Olay in any way. I just really dig this cleanser.


Echloe said...

ummm, i can't believe you don't use moisturizer. olay has some good ones. But I like Kiehls the best. You really need to start using one. I'm no dermatologist but I know that much is true

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