Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Treatment Plan Day!!!!

This is it. The moment we have all been waiting for. A TREATMENT PLAN. It may just come to pass today. In less than 6 hours, I will know what we are going to have to do.

I suspect (because I lurrrrve to think negatively) that she will tell us that IVF with ICSI is our only chance. Or, she might just say lets wait it out, or she might even say, lets try CLOMID. Which I hear is just a faaaaaaaaabulous drug to be on. Makes you feel all great. Because who doesn't need a little less sleep at night and a toasty little increase in your body temperature at random moments.

Might not be that bad, its not bad for everyone, but, if you'll recall, I like to think negatively, so I am sure it would SUCK for me.

I am just so so so so so glad to finally be at this place. I can understand why it can take some people 6 years to conceive, because the baby-train can be a slow moving pile of junk.


Elbee said...

Yay for having a plan in place! =)

I hope it all goes well!

momofonefornow said...

I hear you about the clomid. Yesterday was my fourth day and I was the sun in terms of radiant heat. Yuck!!!! Just keep in mind that is only 5 days each month. You can do it!

Erin said...

Only 5 days a week? No one told me THAT! How does that work?

Aunt Becky said...

I love a good plan.

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