Monday, July 28, 2008

Whiney McWhineypants (or, Happy Birthday to Me)

Yeah, yeah. I'll take it. That's me.
I am 33 today, and although that is by no means old, and I do know that I have tons of eggs just waiting their sweet little turn to drop, I am not that keen on being 33, and not pregnant.
I could be 43 right?

But then, I could also be 23.

I love Rich with all my heart, but he displayed some classic "husband" behavior this weekend by not planning a gawdamn thing for my birthday.

I am not 8 yrs old, and I don't need a big ole party with balloons, but I am a pretty social person, and I really enjoy getting together with big groups of people, and what better a time than on your BIRTHDAY to do this? Caveat* is that I can't arrange for my OWN party, how weak is that?

So, the DH did nada. We tried to pull together a last minute outing, but only one of our couple friend showed, and they are being stiffs lately, and left early (although, not before buying me a beer, danke schoen). Granted, our hands are a little tied, as we have 2 weddings to attend in as many weeks, so we are a bit stretched financially, but he could have planned in advance or something.

So, in a nutshell, happing f*cking birthday to me.


Whiney McWhineypants, over and out.

* ca·ve·at Listen to the pronunciation of caveat Listen to the pronunciation of caveat
Pronunciation: \ˈka-vē-ˌät, -ˌat; ˈkä-vē-ˌät; ˈkā-vē-ˌat\
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, let him beware, from cavēre — more at hear
Date: 1533
1 a: a warning enjoining one from certain acts or practices b: an explanation to prevent misinterpretation c: a modifying or cautionary detail to be considered when evaluating, interpreting, or doing something2: a legal warning to a judicial officer to suspend a proceeding until the opposition has a hearing


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthy Whiney!

Boo hiss to bad husbands... Mine did this once before but I was so upset he has never erred in the same way again... I hope you told him off!

Jen said...

My husband is just like that, for everything. Even holidays. I mean, they are useless other than their sperm.

Happy birthday!

Echloe said...

Happy Birthday!!!! And I love the new look.

momofonefornow said...

My birthday was on Sunday and my dh did a whole lot of nothing as well. I was not impressed and I will be taking every opportunity to remind him that he sucks!

osuraj said...

Typical husband behavior...I hope you have a happy birthday in spite of it all!

Christine said...

Happy Birthday :)

Teena in Toronto said...

Happy birthday! Mine was Saturday.

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