6:30 am woke up, started getting ready for appt; did not take pill*, just in case I shouldn't have started before my u/s
8:15 am Arrive at fertility clinic, settle in with a Flare, circa 1986, wait for my name to be called
8:19 am miracle of miracles, I am called in a scant 4 minutes after my actual appt time
8:25 am undergo very uncomfortable (not physically) CD 2 transv u/s
8:26 am get put off by my ultrasound tech's ultrashitty attitude when I asked if I got to see anything
Me (uber-pleasantly): So, will I get to see anything?She then proceeded to lecture me on the money-grubbing capitalistic failures of the American healthcare system, and how its all a big competition, and "pictures" and "an explanation of the invasive procedures you are subjecting your body to" are just a way to add value so that you pick one clinic over the other. Wow, I guess I should just be grateful that she's even bothering to do anything at all. I mean, she IS volunteering on her own time. Oh wait no...MY F*CKING TAX DOLLARS PAY YOUR SALARY. SPIN THAT MONITOR TOWARDS ME AND TELL ME WHAT THAT F*CKING WHITE BLOB IS.
B*tchface: No. Then I would have to explain "what's that black spot?", "what's that white blob?". There's a reason why its set up this way (gestures to monitor placed facing away from the exam table)
(God forbid I have an understanding of the procedures I am undergoing ON MY OWN BODY)
Me: (just making conversation): Ah, I see. I just know a lot of people in the States undergoing to same types of procedures, and they get to see whats going on, take home pictures, stuff like that.
B*tchface: Go to the States then.
I thought they were supposed to be way more friendly than that in the specialty clinics. All I wanted that snatch to do was point out what she was doing as she was doing it. Is that too much to ask? No, I don't think so. And as I think about it more, I get more enraged. (I wonder if thats the Clomid talking?)
At any rate, it seems silly to post that whole list of side effects and then put an N for none beside them.
Except maybe the irritability one. Perhaps I should put a M beside that one...
OK, in the name of science (L-low, M-medium, H-high intensity):
COMMON side effects:
- acne: L (tiny little mini-zitnear my mouth; I hate those)
- Blurred vision or vision problems (spots or flashes): N
- breast tenderness: N
- dizziness: N
- enlarged breasts: N
- enlargement of the ovaries: N
- flushing: N
- headache: N
- hot flashes: N
- irritability: L (potentially not even Clomid related, probably just douchey u/s tech related)
- lightheadedness: N
- mood change: N
- nausea: L
- nightsweats: N
- pelvic pain or bloating: N
- stomach pain: N
- vomiting: N
*(I came home and took my pill)
You so for sure should have kicked that biotch.. Good luck with this cycle!
What an evil bitch. I would def complain about her to the clinic - or at least tell them you never ever what her to attend to you again. Its your body and you should def know what they are doing and whats going on at all time. Kick her to the curb!
Ha, I think it's funny that she lectured you on our health care system. My u/s tech at my RE's office was such a sweetie, and would explain anything that I inquired about.
However, my OB's office wouldn't even let me see the screen at my first u/s.
I think it's just her being a complete twatwaffle, not anything to do with the healthcare system in general.
I would def. complain!
Maybe you'll get a friendlier u/s tech next time?
Larissa (smilelari)
I'm so sorry you had a sucky tech. You deserve better.
I've never ONCE at any clinic, for any reason, not been able to watch on the monitor.
And, this may just be my own bias, but I've never asked any irritating questions either.
I think you should go over her head and file a complaint, or at least see if that is standard operating procedure.
Stumbled across your blog.... I know all about ass techs (pronounced like Aztecs). Money does not buy friendliness. Good luck with everything!
this bothered me too. I have never been allowed to see the screen until the tech says so. And even then, nothing was explained to me. Isn't it my body, my insurance paying for this to be done, and hence its my procedure?
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