Thursday, January 21, 2010

It never changes

At least in my case. You might think that now that I have been blessed with a kid (the best kid in the universe, excepting his sleeping habits) I wouldn't be so bitter about people who get pregnant without even trying.
Guess what.
I'm bitter.
I saw a random update on facebook congratulating someone who I don't even really know on her pregnancy. I know enough to know that she just got married a few months ago. Perhaps I am being naive to assume that they didn't start trying until they got married, but I have no reason to think that isn't the case. And when I read this, I was struck by an immediate reaction. It all took place in my head, but if it had been verablised, it would have sounded something like this:

oh fawk off

The miraculous first time trying for the second child of people that struggled for their first don't bother me. But otherwise, yeah, it bugs me.
It shouldn't. But it does.
If we have to have another IUI for #2 (which is my fear) it will hurt.


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