Thursday, August 24, 2006

August 24, 2006 (6 months away)

Breakfast (5)
Pizza pocket (5)

Lunch (7)

Chicken with vegetables and spaghettini (5)
mini ice-cream sandwich (2)

Dinner (22 )
bruschetta (6)
salad (0)
steak (7)
dressing (4)
tortilla rolls (5)

Total Daily Points 24
Flex points used 5
Flex points left 0

Oh my god. Too soon to fall of the wagon!! TOO SOON!! No more eating out, that is for sure. It kills me that I eat salad, and still manage to eat a ton of points. I am glad I have my 5 point flex point buffer, but even that isn't helping this week. Monday, its gym time. Fuck.


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