Tuesday, August 29, 2006

August 28, 2006

Breakfast (4)
Yogurt 2
Fruit salad 2

Lunch (4)

PC Chicken Cacciatore 4

Dinner (9)
2 C pasta 6
salad dressing 3
salad/tomato 0
32 g bag of Baked Ruffles (sour cream and cheddar) 3

Total Daily Points 20 (4)
Flex points used 0
Flex points left 0

Looks like the intial weight loss is slowing down. Its discouraging to lose 5 pound in just over a week, and then proceed to lose only 1 more, over the next two. Bah. I am hitting this plateau pretty fucking early if you ask me. But, I will not give up. I was pretty bad yesterday. Had people over for dinner. Its tough to be on track. I am slipping more these days, but still not giving up, so I figure thats a good thing at least. As long as I keep on trying to haul my fat arse back up on the wagon. And tonight, I am going to go and work out. Maybe I will swim too...who knows. Thats really the only thing that I like doing, is swimming. I should reward my efforts on the elliptical with a little swim. I am looking forward to seeing the new ellipticals. The ones they used to have were the shit, so if there are newer ones, wheeeeee!

Exercise log:
30 mins on the elliptical at the Y


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