Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Douchebag of the Day

There was a time when I really wanted to be sure that my posts were "significant" but now I figure, it's my blog, and I can post what I want. So, today, I am posting the first of what I am sure will be many Douchebag of the Day.
I figure I have a pretty even temper. I don't go ballistic very often. Most of the time when I do, I am in the car.
Picture this... a 1.5 hour commute to a workplace that is significantly more North than my home. So, when I arrive at said workplace, it has snowed, and the roads are a wet, muddy, slushy mess. I drop off the husband, and have about 6.5 minutes to make it to my workplace before I am late. Normally, not much of a challenge, since we work within 5 minutes of each other. I am significantly delayed however, but todays Douchebag of the Day who decides that they are going to drive, straddling the white line, so that I cannot pass them in either lane. I am a firm believer in the "fast lane" theory. In that, you can drive as slowwwww as you want, as long as you are in the right lane. Once you are in the left lane, get the eff out of my way. This is a fair theory. It works for everyone. Until the Douchebag of the Day throws a wrench in the works by driving IN THE MIDDLE OF BOTH LANES. Why in the world do people think they can do this? They think they are special? That the unwritten laws that keep our universe from descending into chaos don't apply to them?

Sometimes, I wish I had a rocket launcher.


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