Wednesday, May 07, 2008

I'm surrounded!

By pregnant ladies. OK, so 3 pregnant ladies doesn't necessarily constitute "surrounded" but this is the first time in my life that people I really care about are pregnant. I mean, I've known other people who were pregnant, but I was either not that close to them, or, more specifically, not in baby-mode when they were pregnant. I care a lot more now that I want one, I get a lot more excited for people. So, anyway, if you are reading this (and you know who you are, even though I won't mention your name on the outside chance that it would get back to people we know):
Don't ever doubt that I am 100% happy for you, and not even a smidgen upset. But thank you for considering my feelings. You have truly paid your dues, and you deserve this!
I'm so excited for you!


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