Thursday, July 03, 2008

Bathroom Renovation pt. 3 (conclusion)

OK, so its practically done. We have some finishing work (a few tiles, some caulking) and a few small items still to purchase (like the toothbrush holder, etc) but for the most part, its done. And not a moment too soon. My folks are coming down in a few weeks for the first time in about a year, so we wanted to have it done for when they got here. And so, without further ado:

Lots of blood, sweat, tears, recriminations, finger pointing, blame laying and all that, but it's so worth it. I was trying to go for a modern hotel/spa look.
So, what do you think?

What do you think of the bathroom reno?
Looks fantastic! Great job!
Its an improvement, but not my style.
Are you blind? That's some serious ugly going on there free polls


Anonymous said...

Looks great!

Sanloves2cook said...

Love it E!
It looks fantastic!

Kate said...

We have the same bathroom set! I LOVE the big sink. I'll be sad to leave those sinks when we buy a new house someday. It looks really nice!

Unknown said...

Looks great!!! I love the tile floor.

Echloe said...

Very nice indeed.

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