Sunday, August 03, 2008

Clomid Cycle 1; Day 3 (or Clomid 1; Me 0)

I will consider myself lucky that the clomid didn't wreck me too much. I think yesterday was my worst symptom day, and that could have been because I didn't do anything, and so was able to really wallow in it. Or, it could be that I was feeling really shitty, and thus didn't want to do anything. Either way, it was a bit of a tough day yesterday. Today, I have a wedding to attend, and I can't be compromised by the crazies (I'm riding with my in-laws since DH is the best man). And so, for yesterday:

9:00 am drive H to friend's house because brainiac decides to move the day before his wedding
9:20 am score a wicked side table at a nearby garage sale for 2 bucks (it needs a little TLC); makes the drive worth it
9:30 am drive home. It's about a 20 min jaunt, but it felt like it took FOREVER to get home
1:00 pm leave to meet H at the mall where he is doing last-minute stuff for before the wedding
1:10 pm almost t-bone a city bus because it felt like the brakes did a weird "not working" thing; body does an adrenalin dump, proceeds to have the jitters
1:11 pm test brakes, seem fine (weird) keep going
1:15 pm eye itches, so I rub it. Something is on my hand, and my eye proceeds to burn and tear, and instantly develop a mild case of conjunctivitis (the membrane covering the white of the eye swells)
1:15:38 pm become convinced that the Universe thinks its my time to go, since now my left eye is watering and burning and I can't see well out of it, and my concentration on the road is compromised
1:20 pm arrive at mall a total mess, hopped up on adrenalin, shaking and near tears from my near-death experience
1:30 pm adrenalin burns off, leaving me tired, glum and just generally feeling like shit
1:45 pm go home and go to sleep till 7pm
7:00 pm wake up and do nothing, sit on the couch like a bump feeling like crap
8:26 pm ask Rich why he was f*cking with the goddamned air conditioning because it was freaking hot (turns out he didn't touch it)
1:00 am decide to wallow in bed
Sometime in the middle of the night wake up sweating like a bushpig, feeling like I must be sleeping in Beelzebub's infernal embrace, because its so f*cking hot

Now, for the sciencey part (L-low, M-medium, H-high intensity):

COMMON side effects:

  • acne: L
  • Blurred vision or vision problems (spots or flashes): N (well, yes, but not clomid related)
  • breast tenderness: N
  • dizziness: N
  • enlarged breasts: N
  • enlargement of the ovaries: N
  • flushing: (I don't really know what this is, now that I see it for the third time!)
  • headache: N
  • hot flashes: M
  • irritability: M
  • lightheadedness: N
  • mood change: M
  • nausea: N (no nausea yesterday, traded it for hot flashes)
  • nightsweats: M
  • pelvic pain or bloating: N
  • stomach pain: N
  • vomiting: N


Anonymous said...

Poor you - that sounds terrible! Hang in there and have fun at the wedding!

Oh and who decides to move the day before their wedding? I would have murdered husbando if he'd tried to pull that!

Stephanie said...

Yikes, that's one rough day. :(

I am glad so far the clomid hasn't been too bad. For me though the s/e seem to last for about 2 weeks after the last pill. I still have hot flashes, night sweats, nausea, dizziness and insomnia almost through my 2ww which is fun. For me it also seems like as you do a consecutive cycle the s/e are worse. But here's hoping you only need 1 clomid cycle!!!

Echloe said...

I hope it gets better for you. That is rough. But who all just might make you get pregnant.

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