Saturday, August 19, 2006

August 19, 2006

Breakfast (3)
1 C Cheerios (2)
.5 C Milk (1)

Lunch (5)
pizza pocket (5)

Dinner (16)
Italian BMT sub (10)
Doritos (6)

After dinner snack (0)

Total Daily Points 24
Flex points used 0
Flex points left 4

On another note: I got a new job! Finally I am back in publishing. I think this job will have a lot more room for advancement for editorial as well. I am feeling bad about leaving where I was, because I was only there for 8 months, but, I have to do whats right for me. I would never CONSIDER staying there just because I feel I should, but I still feel bad about things. Oh well. I am not looking forward to training the new person, thats for sure...
Oh, and the scale says that I lost some more weight. Hopefully it will still say that on Teusday, when I do my official weigh-in...


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