Friday, June 01, 2007

Still truckin' (wavering between 190 and 188)

Even though I am not managing to track my intake on a regular basis, once I did for the first few days, I realised that I was overdoing it on carbs a little, in the vegetable department. I think thats fucked... I should be able to eat as much broccoli as I want, but nay bob, you can't. So, I am watching my veggy intake a little closer now as well.
I wish I would frickin' drop some poundage... I think its the whole PMSing thing.
Oh, picked up some prenatal vitamins the other day. Thank goodness they don't do a number on my stomache. of course, i have always taken them with a meal. I have decided that a midwife is the way to go once we eventually do get pregnant. Rich may take some convincing.
Anyway, on to the tally...

Breakfast 2.1
1.1 2 eggs
0 2 T smoked ham (chopped)
1 1.5 T feta cheese
0 1 t butter

Lunch 3.6
1.6 3 cups lettuce
0 1 chicken breast
2 4 T ? ceasar dressing

Dinner 8
0 steak
? fried tofu
8 cauliflower

Total Daily Carbs 13.7


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