Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Clomid Cycle 1; Day 5 (or, Not Much to Report)

Yeah, nothing really to report for yesterday. Except that I am glad that it was the last day. I had some doozies of death/anxiety dreams last night, but that could be because I am officially starting my new job today, and the new boss is out of jury duty all week and I am kinda floundering in a sea of "what the f*ck". I also had a major case of the glums yesterday. But that was after an impromptu pool party at the SILs, during which my niece and I had a blast in the pool. Could be related to that, could be related to the newly pregnant friend who was also there, who was my IRL infertile buddy, and who has now left me in the infertile dust.
Could be exacerbated by the Clomid, but it could be totally not related. We'll never know.
So, the final day's sciencey bit:

COMMON side effects:

  • acne: N
  • Blurred vision or vision problems (spots or flashes): N
  • breast tenderness: N
  • dizziness: N
  • enlarged breasts: N
  • enlargement of the ovaries: N
  • flushing: N
  • headache: N
  • hot flashes: N
  • irritability: M
  • lightheadedness: N
  • mood change: M
  • nausea: N
  • nightsweats: N
  • pelvic pain or bloating: N
  • stomach pain: N
  • vomiting: N


Owner of the Band said...

hey, I've been following your blog this week with your clomid experience. I'm on my first round of Clomid too. TTC sucks. But we are all in it together... until we are not. That is the hard part. I read about your friend leaving you in the infertility dust. I think that is the hardest part. I started trying months before my friends who now have 3 month olds. Cross our fingers for the clomid. Even if this month doesn't work, at least we got to do something new for a change. I like to go online the day I get my period and buy a whole months worth of OPK's and P tests on a cheap Web site. I try to get a better deal every month. It's dumb, but at least it is something new to try each month. Clomid is more fulfilling then that. Anyway, thanks for sharing your process.

Echloe said...

O.K. so what is this thing with IRL infertile buddies getting knocked up and leaving us in the dust? I don't know if you remember but that happened to me a few months ago. I can barely talk to my friend now (for other issues), and really miss having someone to commiserate with. If it makes you feel any better, my guess is that you'll be following along in the pregnancy club soon. I bet round one of clomid does the trick.

It doesn't seem to have messed with you too much. But hopefully you'll have a bunch of big fat follies.

Oh, I think I'll keep the header for a while. But I like to change things around every so often so I might be looking for a new header soon.

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