Sunday, August 10, 2008

Ooooh, Clomid, you let me down

Well, went for the 2nd u/s today to see the progress down in Ovaryville. Only one egg continued to grow, one got smaller and the other 2 are just chilling not doing anything. So, we now

  • my left ovary has 2 follicles, one 19mm and the other 13mm
  • my right ovary has 2 follicles, one 12mm and one 10mm
  • my lining is 8.3, which, according to my post below, is just great. And I am supposing that it might even get thicker by the time I O.
So, basically, the Clomid didn't do shit for me. Well, perhaps it gave me 3 more eggs than I would have normally had, but they've turned out to be too small to be any use anyway.

This does not bode well for the success of this cycle.

I think I will ask to up my dose for the next round.

I have to go back in tomorrow morning to get another u/s and more bloodwork. I never used to get queesy about giving blood, but after getting a needle stuck in the same place before the previous hole heals (once a day for the past 3 days), its getting old fast. Today it really stung. And I have to go back tomorrow for the FOURTH blood draw and u/s. This is such a pain. They should go back to their OPK version of doing things. I guess this IS more reliable, but this going to the clinic every morning is a big pain in the ass. Thank goodness that it fell over the weekend too, so its not like I had to be late every morning for a week. I just can't think of a valid excuse for that. As it is I am going to be late for work tomorrow, and probably Tuesday, cuz I suspect that's when we'll do the IUI.
I really hope this IUI works, because I really don't want to have to do this again.
I know that if we have to move on to IVF it will be even more of a pain (literally and figuratively) but man, why couldn't we conceive like "normal" people.

Oh, and we saw the results of the H's last SA. 142 million swimmers in his sample, and they only need 5 million for the IUI. So, even if his morphology is not so great, I would think it would have to be pretty bad for them to need to weed out more than 137 million of them. I don't have the numbers exactly but his SA's have gone down like this:

1st SA: low volume, low concentration, morphology pretty grim
2nd SA: volume fine, concentration good, morphology not so great
3rd SA: volume a smidge on the low side, concentration great, morphology still not so great

But, the nurse seemed to think that it was fine for the IUI. Phew. Maybe his results aren't so great for "natural" conception, but I guess for artificial insemination its OK. I wonder if its the cutting down on the drinking, or the multivitamins that he is taking now that have improved his samples. I guess we'll find out on August 25 when we go see the urologist (who, by the way, is a bit of Rico Suave. Seems like a nice guy, but you just KNOW that he and his ego are great friends).


Stephanie said...

I'm sorry you are disappointed. first IUI with clomid I had 1 mature follie and I did get pregnant. So even if you have 1 good egg to work with...there is still a fighting chance! My last IUI cycle too I had 1 follie, and we know that my egg got fertilized but unfortunately it just didn't pan out. So, don't give up hope! ((hugs)) Hoping for good news at your next appt.

osuraj said...

Don't you wish you could give your ovaries a swift kick in the ass to get things going? I know how frustrating this is...but I'll keep my fingers crossed for the one follie!

Anonymous said...

My name is Helen Page and i would like to show you my personal experience with Clomid.

I am 30 years old. I have taken for 3 months. My progesterone level after my first dose of Clomid was 65 so I knew that I had ovulated. Couldn't try the second cycle on it because my husband went out-of-town while I was O'ing, go figure. Hoping it worked this month!!

I have experienced some of these side effects-
Mood swings, increased appetite, hot flashes, increased pain during ovulation, abdominal pain, mild but infrequent headaches. Also, I used to be on a consistent 28 day cycle, but I think Clomid might have lengthened it as I'm now on a 31-32 day cycle.

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Helen Page

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