Friday, August 08, 2008

Three Cheers for the Mayor of Ovary-ville

She's doing a great job making sure that everything is progressing just as it should in the Egg Factory.

I learned a few things today, first is

  • my left ovary has 2 follicles, one 17mm and the other 14mm
  • my right ovary has 2 follicles, one 12mm and one 10mm; therefore
  • it looks like 50mg of clomid was enough, and
  • my lining is 7, which for CD10, is fine

and I also learned that
  • the u/s tech isn't the b*tch that I thought she was.
We actually had a nice chat this time, as she was doin' the doin's. We talked about how people are different (some don't even feel the need to cover themselves with a sheet...AT ALL) how at the clinic they see people at their saddest and at their happiest. She told me that the staff keep an eye on you as you come into your appts, to make sure that everything seems OK (more or less) with you, emotionally, and that if they see you coming in without your partner, for many consecutive appts, they will ask for him to come in with you, and if he won't, they'll ask you to cease treatment until you are BOTH on board. She said one lady who had undergone her egg retrieval already, came in with a man impersonating her husband. How sad is that!? Its terrible enough to have to undergo all the stress and emotional sh*t that comes with just being IF, let alone having to deal with a partner that doesn't support you. I can't even imagine. I feel blessed to have the husband that I have.

But anyway, back to ME!!!

So, I go in for more bloodwork tomorrow, because the nurse said she didn't want me jumping the gun and ovulating without them. I asked about the trigger shot, and she explained the whole thing to me, reasuring me that the hcg is normal, that your body creates it naturally, etc etc. I felt like telling her she could inject me with Windex if it meant that I could get pregnant!

So, it looks like its quite possible that I could have two lovely fat eggs spit out for this IUI. I told my husband that there is a chance (albeit slim) that we could come away with twins. That prospect excites me ( I want 4, originally hoped to have them all before 36, and twins would go a lon way toward helping me achieve that), and I think that it excites and frightens the shit out of my husband.

I don't mean to sound blasé about it. I know that having a new baby is hard, and twins would be twice, if not 3 times as hard, but, I know I can do it. It might not be fun sometimes, but its not impossible. I firmly believe that humans are infinitely adaptable to myriad circumstances. I'll be able to do it.

I am hoping beyond hope that this all happens for Sunday, because I don't want to have to take Monday off for this.


Unknown said...

dude- i want teins too. i hope you get twins- mwahahaha!

mats said...

I am wishing you much luck! Think twins!

Melissa said...

Awww. Its so nice to see a happy post from you! I really hope this cycle is THE one for you!

Melissa said...

E, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. I agree with your thoughts on twins. My cousin has twin boys and they are AWESOME.

JackiJaguar said...

That's great news! I hope this is it for you!

JenM said...

Sounds like great news, good luck!

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